eine empirische Analyse von Bedingungen und Entwicklungsverläufen
Inhaltsverzeichnis: ....3.1 (Wahrgenommene) Merkmale der Innovation - 113 - -- 4.3.2 Die Innovation annehmende Akteurinnen und Akteure - 115...
proceedings of the Sixth Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets Muenster, Germany, September 19 - 21, 1999
Inhaltsverzeichnis: ... on Electronic Markets: Innovative Pricing Strategies for Improved Resource Allocation (Stefan Klein, Claudia...
Inhaltsverzeichnis: ... – Innovation auf dem Tablet serviert? (Günter Krauthausen) ..... 7 -- Audio-Podcasts zu mathematischen Themen...
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sozialwissenschaftlicher Diskurs im Rahmen des „Studium im Alter“ an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster ; Sommersemester 2008
Inhaltsverzeichnis: ... Innovation – und für „Verflüssigungen" (Helga Stubbe)..... 10 -- Gesellschaftskritische Anmerkungen...
Living a Good Life within Sustainable Limits
Inhaltsverzeichnis: ... potential of technological innovation ..... 55 -- Limits to effciency and markets as solutions ..... 59...
patents and technology trends for health applications
The Journal of Business Chemistry examines issues associated with leadership and management for chemists and managers working in chemical research or industry. This journal is devoted to improving and developing the field of Business Chemistry. The Journal of Business Chemistry publishes peer-reviewed papers (including case studies) and essays. Areas for possible publication in include: leadership issues in the chemical and biochemical industry, such as teamwork, team building, mentoring, coaching, and diversity; modern management issues that have a broad connection to the field of chemistry, such as partnering, project management, office management, professional practice and development, budgeting, financial management, recruitment and retention of human resources, career growth management, life-long learning, marketing and sales, ethics, technology and innovation management, business process reengineering, motivational theory, incentives, education, training, organization design, strategic planning, conflict management, negotiating, risk management, globalization, networking, and change management. Interdisciplinary papers are encouraged. The Journal of Business Chemistry provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present their results.
Pragmatische und symbolische Dimensionen der Autorensiglen (nomina auctorum) bei Hrabanus Maurus
Inhaltsverzeichnis: ... -- and cooperations on digitalisation and innovation ..... 44 -- 5: Beyond the usual suspects: Expanding the toolbox...
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