Problem solving in mathematics education : proceedings of the 2015 joint conference of ProMath and the GDM working group on problem solving

From 3rd to 5th of September 2015 the 17th international Pro-Math conference (Problem Solving in Mathematics Education) took place at the Faculty of Education of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). For the first time, it was combined with the annual meeting of the working group...

Further contributors: Fritzlar, Torsten (Editor)
Aßmus, Daniela (Editor)
Kuzle, Ana (Editor)
Rott, Benjamin (Editor)
Bräuning, Kerstin (Editor)
Document types:Conference object
Media types:Text
Publication date:2016
Date of publication on miami:30.01.2017
Modification date:12.12.2019
Series:Ars Inveniendi et Dejudicandi, Bd. 6
Publisher: WTM-Verlag für wissenschaftliche Texte und Medien
Edition statement:[Electronic ed.]
Subjects:Mathematikunterricht; Problemlösen
DDC Subject:370: Bildung und Erziehung
510: Mathematik
Legal notice:© 2016 WTM - Verlag für wissenschaftliche Texte und Medien, Münster
License:InC 1.0
Notes:Druckausgabe: Fritzlar, Torsten; Assmus, Daniela; Kuzle, Ana; Rott, Benjamin (Hrsg.): Problem solving in mathematics education. Münster : WTM, 2016. (Ars Inveniendi et Dejudicandi ; 6), ISBN 978-3-95987-012-2
Format:PDF document
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From 3rd to 5th of September 2015 the 17th international Pro-Math conference (Problem Solving in Mathematics Education) took place at the Faculty of Education of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). For the first time, it was combined with the annual meeting of the working group “Problem Solving” of the Society of Didactics of Mathematics. ProMath is a group of experienced and early career researchers in the field of mathematics education who are interested in investigating and fostering mathematical problem solving and problem oriented mathematics teaching. This book contains 20 peer reviewed articles of researchers from five European countries. The topics of the papers evolved around different areas of learning and problem solving. There are some theoretical papers on problem oriented mathematics instruction and specific aspects of problem solving and creativity as well as reports on detailed studies of problem solving processes of pupils and preservice teachers. Authors also present experiences with “real” problem solving instruction in different countries, considerations and teaching experiments on didactic concepts to foster pupils’ problem solving abilities, and they describe mathematically rich problem fields and their potentials for mathematical investigations in class.