The projection calculus
We develop some tools for manipulating and constructing projections in C*-algebras. These are then applied to give short proofs of some standard projection homotopy results, as well as strengthen some fundamental classical results for C*-algebras of real rank zero, specifically on liftings, excising...
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Dokumenttypen: | Artikel |
Erscheinungsdatum: | 2013 |
Publikation in MIAMI: | 05.05.2014 |
Datum der letzten Änderung: | 28.04.2022 |
Quelle: | Münster Journal of Mathematics, 6 (2013), S. 557-581 |
Angaben zur Ausgabe: | [Electronic ed.] |
Fachgebiet (DDC): | 510: Mathematik |
Lizenz: | InC 1.0 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Format: | PDF-Dokument |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:hbz:6-55309456861 |
Permalink: | |
Onlinezugriff: | MJM_2013_6_557-581.pdf |
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- Münster Journal of Mathematics
- 1 (2008), S. 1-8: Eulerian polynomials of spherical type / Cohen, Arjeh M.
- 1 (2008), S. 9-14: Eulerian polynomials / Hirzebruch, Friedrich
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- 1 (2008), S. 267-278: A note on Banach C₀(X)-modules / Paravicini, Walther Dietrich
- 2 (2009), S. 3-4: Editorial Münster Journal of Mathematics / 2 (2009)
- 2 (2009), S. 5-34: K-theory of Leavitt path algebras / Ara, Pere; Brustenga, Miquel; Cortiñas, Guillermo
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- 13 (2020), S. 219-220: Editorial Münster Journal of Mathematics / 13 (2020) 2
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- 13 (2020), S. 267-316: A p-adically entire function with integral values on Qp and entire liftings of the p-divisible group Qp/Zp / Baldassarri, Francesco
- 13 (2020), S. 317-352: Diagonal classes and the Bloch–Kato conjecture / Bertolini, Massimo; Seveso, Marco Adamo; Venerucci, Rodolfo
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- 15 (2022), S. 83-166: On extension of rigid analytic objects / Lütkebohmert, Werner
- 15 (2022), S. 167-220: The stable rank of diagonal ASH algebras and crossed products by minimal homeomorphisms / Alboiu, Mihai; Lutley, James
- 15 (2022), S. 221-233: Random walk and Fibonacci matrices / Uem, Theo van
- 15 (2022), S. 235-240: A strong Schottky lemma on n generators for CAT(0) spaces / Conder, Matthew J.; Schillewaert, Jeroen
- 15 (2022), S. 241-278: C*-algebras from partial isometric representations of LCM semigroups / Starling, Charles; Tolich, Ilija
- 15 (2022), S. 279-304: Continuous group cohomology and Ext-groups / Fust, Paulina
- 15 (2022), S. 305-331: Index theorem for inhomogeneous hypoelliptic differential operators / Mohsen, Omar
- 15 (2022), S. 333-354: Full quantum crossed products, invariant measures, and type-I lifting / Chirvasitu, Alexandru
- 15 (2022), S. 355-388: Bordism and projective space bundles / Führing, Sven
- 15 (2022), S. 389-440: Holomorphic curves in the symplectizations of lens spaces: An elementary approach / Sağlam, Murat
- 15 (2022), S. 441-471: Passing C*-correspondence relations to the Cuntz–Pimsner algebras / Eryüzlü, Menevşe
- 15 (2022), S. 473-498: Locally normal subgroups and ends of locally compact Kac–Moody groups / Caprace, Pierre-Emmanuel; Marquis, Timothée; Reid, Colin D.
- 16 (2023), S. 1-24: Split extensions and KK-equivalences for quantum projective spaces / Arici, Francesca; Zegers, Sophie Emma
- 16 (2023), S. 25-50: Connes–Moscovici residue cocycle for some Dirac-type operators / Sadegh, Ahmad Reza Haj Saeedi; Loizides, Yiannis; Sanchez, Jesus
- 16 (2023), S. 51-94: Complexity rank for C*-algebras / Jaime, Arturo; Willett, Rufus
- 16 (2023), S. 95-145: Equivalence of Fell bundles is an equivalence relation / Duwenig, Anna; Li, Boyu
- 16 (2023), S. 147-175: Non-Hausdorff étale groupoids and C*-algebras of left cancellative monoids / Neshveyev, Sergey; Schwartz, Gaute
- 16 (2023), S. 177-199: Invariants for the Smale space associated to an expanding endomorphism of a flat manifold / Chaiser, Rachel; Coates-Welsh, Maeve; Deeley, Robin J.; Farhner, Annika; Giornozi, Jamal; Huq, Robi; Lorenzo, Levi; Oyola-Cortes, José; Reardon, Maggie; Stocker, Andrew M.
- 16 (2023), S. 201-263: Spherical representations of C*-flows, I / Ueda, Yoshimichi
- 16 (2023), S. 265-300: Local models, Mustafin varieties and semi-stable resolutions / Gora, Felix
- 16 (2023), S. 301-322: Ultraproducts of factorial W*-bundles / Vaccaro, Andrea
- 16 (2023), S. 323-487: Λ-buildings associated to quasi-split groups over Λ-valued fields / Hébert, Auguste; Izquierdo, Diego; Loisel, Benoit
- 16 (2023), S. 489-490: Erratum to: Classifying maps into uniform tracial sequence algebras / Castillejos, Jorge; Evington, Samuel; Tikuisis, Aaron; White, Stuart