The Role of 'Entscheider' in the Asylum Procedure : A Legal and Ethical Analysis

In this article we examine the role of Entscheider (decision-makers) in the German asylum procedure, both legally and ethical. As the responsibility for deciding on asylum applications lies exclusively with them, their significance for the German asylum procedure can hardly be underestimated. Howeve...

Verfasser: Kleinschmidt, Nicolas
Krüger, Jessica
Publikation in MIAMI:11.04.2019
Datum der letzten Änderung:10.08.2022
Quelle:Proceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop "Studying Migration Policies at the Interface between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis", S. 143-156
Angaben zur Ausgabe:[Electronic ed.]
Schlagwörter:Entscheider; Entscheiderethik; Deutsches Asylverfahrensrecht; Verwaltungsethik Entscheider; Ethics of Entscheider; German Asylum Procedure Law; Ethics of Administration
Fachgebiet (DDC):172: Politische Ethik
353: Einzelne Bereiche der öffentlichen Verwaltung
Lizenz:CC BY-SA 4.0
Weitere Identifikatoren:DOI: 10.17879/95189429199

In this article we examine the role of Entscheider (decision-makers) in the German asylum procedure, both legally and ethical. As the responsibility for deciding on asylum applications lies exclusively with them, their significance for the German asylum procedure can hardly be underestimated. However, over the last few decades the situation of Entscheider changed significantly: While the number and complexity of the cases they have to decide on has increased due to the growing immigration, the requirements for their education have been lowered, owed to critical amendments to the relevant law. We analyze how the law currently defines the role of Entscheider, whether the legal framework is constitutional, and what modifications morality requires. Although the law defining their role seems to be constitutional, Entscheider’s education must be improved and they must be entrusted with the hearing of the applicants to meet what morality requires, we conclude.