Optimization of economic conditions in the chemical, pharmaceutical and medical technology industry through a stringently interlocking procurement in the holistic business approach

The paper discusses the findings of a survey which was conducted in 2012 by Con-Moto Consulting Group among top managers in German speaking countries. The aim of the survey was to analyze the value orientation of companies from a variety of industrial sectors, i.e. to evaluate the companies’ procure...

Verfasser: Barjasic, Ivan
Publikation in MIAMI:22.11.2013
Datum der letzten Änderung:15.11.2022
Quelle:Journal of Business Chemistry, 10 (2013) 3, S. 139-149
Angaben zur Ausgabe:[Electronic ed.]
Fachgebiet (DDC):330: Wirtschaft
Lizenz:InC 1.0
Anmerkungen:Section "Practicioner’s Section"

The paper discusses the findings of a survey which was conducted in 2012 by Con-Moto Consulting Group among top managers in German speaking countries. The aim of the survey was to analyze the value orientation of companies from a variety of industrial sectors, i.e. to evaluate the companies’ procurement. This paper briefly presents the overall findings, but the main focus is on the results of the chemical, pharmaceutical and medical technology sector. Finally, the success factors which lead to value-oriented procurement are outlined.