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Online Assessment of Value Preferences by Paired Comparisons : Paper presented at the 14th European Conference on Personality, July 16-20, 2008, Tartu, Estonia

The importance of personal values has usually been investigated by ranking or by rating procedures. We used an alternative approach in a series of online studies: Subjects received a total of 45 graded paired comparison tasks. On each trial, two of the ten value types proposed by Schwartz (1992) wer...

Verfasser: Bilsky, Wolfgang
Brocke, Michaela
Gollan, Tobias
FB/Einrichtung:FB 07: Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Publikation in MIAMI:23.07.2019
Datum der letzten Änderung:06.03.2020
Reihe:Berichte aus der Arbeitseinheit Differentielle Psychologie und Persönlichkeitspsychologie, Bd. 31
Angaben zur Ausgabe:[Electronic ed.]
Schlagwörter:personal values; relative importance; online studies; paired comparisons task; Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ); value structure
Fachgebiet (DDC):150: Psychologie
Lizenz:InC 1.0
Anmerkungen:Berichte aus dem Psychologischen Institut IV

The importance of personal values has usually been investigated by ranking or by rating procedures. We used an alternative approach in a series of online studies: Subjects received a total of 45 graded paired comparison tasks. On each trial, two of the ten value types proposed by Schwartz (1992) were presented. Subjects were asked to indicate the degree to which one value type is more important than the other. To validate this approach, the resulting importance scores were correlated with scores from an online version of Schwartz' Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ). In addition, structural analyses, including a "weak-confirmatory" MDS approach, were conducted to examine whether and to what extent data from the paired comparison task match Schwartz' assumptions about the structure of human values. The central findings of these analyses are presented.