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Das Institut für Organisationsökonomik an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster veröffentlicht monatlich ein Diskussionspapier. Das Institut für Organisationsökonomik befasst sich in seiner Forschung theoretisch sowie empirisch mit Organisationen in ihren vielfältigen Formen aus ökonomischer Perspektive. Es werden sowohl gewinnorientierte Unternehmen als auch Non-Profit-Organisationen (NPOs) sowie öffentliche Betriebe analysiert. Schwerpunkte der Diskussionspapiere des Instituts sind Corporate Governance, Euro(krise), Hochschulmanagement, Insolvenz, Personal(ökonomik), Sportökonomik sowie Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik.
The Institute for Organisational Economics at the University of Münster publishes a discussion paper every month. In its research, the Institute for Organisational Economics examines theoretically and empirically organisations in their many forms from an economic perspective. Profit-oriented companies, non-profit organisations (NPOs) as well as public enterprises are analysed. The institute's discussion papers focus on business and economic ethics corporate governance, the euro (crisis), higher education management, insolvency, personnel economics and sports economics.
Theory and Practice in a Dynamic and Disruptive Environment
The handbook aims to codify, align and disseminate research results that focus on the phenomena of network formation and evolution, the decision support and decision-making, as well as the modelling and planning aimed at coordination of network actors - organizations or individuals – in crisis management. Whereby we refer to crises as disruptive events of significant magnitude, such as natural disasters, acts of terrorism but also disruptive innovation
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