The Journal of Business Chemistry examines issues associated with leadership and management for chemists and managers working in chemical research or industry. This journal is devoted to improving and developing the field of Business Chemistry. The Journal of Business Chemistry publishes peer-reviewed papers (including case studies) and essays. Areas for possible publication in include: leadership issues in the chemical and biochemical industry, such as teamwork, team building, mentoring, coaching, and diversity; modern management issues that have a broad connection to the field of chemistry, such as partnering, project management, office management, professional practice and development, budgeting, financial management, recruitment and retention of human resources, career growth management, life-long learning, marketing and sales, ethics, technology and innovation management, business process reengineering, motivational theory, incentives, education, training, organization design, strategic planning, conflict management, negotiating, risk management, globalization, networking, and change management. Interdisciplinary papers are encouraged. The Journal of Business Chemistry provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present their results.
Laboratory Protocols : Mass spectrometry & Proteomics
Beilage der ‘wissen / leben – die Zeitung der WWU Münster’
Das IKM-Journal ist eine regelmäßige Beilage der „muz – Münsters Universitäts-Zeitung“, ab 2007 = Beilage zu Wissen leben, die Zeitung der WWU Münster. Sie erscheint in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum für Informationsverarbeitung (ZIV), der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (ULB) und der Universitätsverwaltung (UniV).
gemeinsamer Bericht über die Evaluationen im Fach Psychologie
Jahresberichte des Käte Hamburger Kollegs "Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht" an der Universität Münster über Aktivitäten, Fellows, Forschungsthemen, Veranstaltungen und Publikationen.
Annual reports of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism" at the University of Münster on activities, fellows, research topics, events and publications.
Annual reports of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism" at the University of Münster on activities, fellows, research topics, events and publications.
Münster Journal of Mathematics is a new mathematics journal devoted to the publication of research articles of high quality in all fields of pure and applied mathematics. It replaces the Schriftenreihe des Mathematischen Institutes Münster, founded in 1948 by H. Behnke and continued by R. Remmert, G. Maltese and C. Deninger. All articles are fully refereed. The volumes are indexed in the Mathematical Reviews and the Zentralblatt. The journal is published by the Mathematical Institutes of the Universität Münster. It is available both in eletronic and in printed form.
Transatlanticism beschäftigt sich mit der transatlantischen Literaturgeschichte und setzt einen besonderem Fokus auf das Verhältnis zwischen deutscher Literatur und Literatur aus dem USA.
Transatlanticism pertains to the transatlantic history of literature and ideas, with a particular focus on the German-US relationship.
Transatlanticism pertains to the transatlantic history of literature and ideas, with a particular focus on the German-US relationship.
Bundesrecht ohne völkerrechtliche Vereinbarungen
In der digitalen Schriftenreihe "Working Papers, Forschungsgruppe Digitale Mittelstadt der Zukunft (FOR 5393)" werden fortlaufend Forschungsergebnisse und theoretische und konzeptionelle Arbeiten der DFG-Forschungsgruppe "Digitale Mittelstadt der Zukunft" (FOR 5393) in gemeinsamen Arbeitspapieren veröffentlicht. Die Forschungsgruppe untersucht, wie Mittelstädte den Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung begegnen und entwickelt digitale Instrumente zur Stärkung ihrer Liveability. Die Forschungsgruppe fokussiert vier zentrale Strukturbereiche einer Mittelstadt: Zivilgesellschaft & soziale Leistungen, Verwaltung & Politik, Wirtschaft & Energie sowie Bildung & Kultur.
In the digital publication series "Working Papers, Research Group Digital Medium-Sized City of the Future (FOR 5393)", research findings and theoretical and conceptual work of the DFG research group "Digital Medium-Sized City of the Future" (FOR 5393) are published on an ongoing basis in joint working papers. The research group is investigating how mid-sized towns are meeting the challenges of digitalization and developing digital instruments to strengthen their liveability. The research group focuses on four central structural areas of a medium-sized city: civil society & social services, administration & politics, economy & energy and education & culture.
In the digital publication series "Working Papers, Research Group Digital Medium-Sized City of the Future (FOR 5393)", research findings and theoretical and conceptual work of the DFG research group "Digital Medium-Sized City of the Future" (FOR 5393) are published on an ongoing basis in joint working papers. The research group is investigating how mid-sized towns are meeting the challenges of digitalization and developing digital instruments to strengthen their liveability. The research group focuses on four central structural areas of a medium-sized city: civil society & social services, administration & politics, economy & energy and education & culture.
Schriftenreihe des Sprachenzentrums der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Ostkirchliche Information
OKI-eMail berichtet viermal pro Jahr aus der Arbeit des Konvents der zerstreuten evangelischen Ostkirchen und der in ihm zusammengefaßten Hilfskomitees sowie über die kirchliche Aussiedler- und Vertriebenenarbeit. Dabei findet die grenzüberschreitende Partnerschaftsarbeit im östlichen Europa besondere Beachtung. Die "Kirchlichen Nachrichten aus Ost- und Südosteuropa", die "Kurzinformationen" und die "Literaturberichte" gehen auch über konfessionelle Grenzen hinweg. Hinzu kommen Berichte über die Arbeit des Fachausschusses Kirchengeschichte der Evangelischen Kommission für Mittel- und Osteuropa der EKD (EKMOE), des Vereins für ostdeutsche Kirchengeschichte (VOKG) und des Ostkirchen-Instituts in Münster.