Transfers in coarse homology

We enlarge the category of bornological coarse spaces by adding transfer morphisms and introduce the notion of an equivariant coarse homology theory with transfers. We then show that equivariant coarse algebraic K-homology and equivariant coarse ordinary homology can be extended to equivariant coars...

Authors: Bunke, Ulrich
Engel, Alexander
Kasprowski, Daniel
Winges, Christoph
Further contributors: Deninger, Christopher (Honoree)
Division/Institute:FB 10: Mathematik und Informatik
Document types:Article
Media types:Text
Publication date:2020
Date of publication on miami:24.08.2020
Modification date:05.01.2021
Source:Münster Journal of Mathematics, 13 (2020), S. 353-424
Publisher: Mathematisches Institut (Universität Münster)
Edition statement:[Electronic ed.]
DDC Subject:510: Mathematik
License:InC 1.0
Format:PDF document
Other Identifiers:DOI: 10.17879/90169656968
Digital documents:mjm_2020_13_353-424.pdf

We enlarge the category of bornological coarse spaces by adding transfer morphisms and introduce the notion of an equivariant coarse homology theory with transfers. We then show that equivariant coarse algebraic K-homology and equivariant coarse ordinary homology can be extended to equivariant coarse homology theories with transfers. In the case of a finite group, we observe that equivariant coarse homology theories with transfers provide Mackey functors. We express standard constructions with Mackey functors in terms of coarse geometry, and we demonstrate the usage of transfers in order to prove injectivity results about assembly maps.