Didaktisch-methodische Empfehlungen zur Weckung eines situationalen Interesses an einem für Schülerinnen und Schüler wenig interessanten Unterrichtsthema. Eine Befragung von Geographielehrerinnen und -lehren in Nordrhein-Westfalen

Different studies in German‐ and English‐speaking countries have confirmed students‘ small interest in certain topics of the Geography curriculum. This is often paired with a decline of subject‐related interest throughout the course of Sek I. There is a growing emphasis in Geography didactic‐teachin...

Author: Ditges, Thomas Daniel
Document types:Master thesis
Media types:Text
Publication date:2015
Date of publication on miami:02.06.2015
Modification date:24.03.2023
Series:Münstersche Arbeiten zur Geographiedidaktik, Bd. 8
Edition statement:[Electronic ed.]
Subjects:Geographiedidaktik; Schülerinteresse; Situationales Interesse; didaktisch‐methodische Empfehlungen; Befragung
DDC Subject:550: Geowissenschaften, Geologie
License:InC 1.0
Format:PDF document
Digital documents:MAG_2015_08.pdf

Different studies in German‐ and English‐speaking countries have confirmed students‘ small interest in certain topics of the Geography curriculum. This is often paired with a decline of subject‐related interest throughout the course of Sek I. There is a growing emphasis in Geography didactic‐teaching research on the exploration of didactic‐methodical measures to raise students’ interest in less‐favoured topics. Based on a standardised questionnaire handed out to Geography teachers this paper examines which didactic‐methodical measures are suitable to raise students’ interest for unpopular topics. According to this data, it can be concluded that a positiveteaching environment, the integration of concret‐figuaretive media and also a realistic connection to students’ daily life could help realise this aim.