Münster Conference on Biomolecule Analysis, Nov. 7, 2018 : Proceedings

The Münster Conference on Biomolecule Analysis 2018 focused on thin-layer chromatography (TLC) in conjunction with mass spectrometry (MS). In a special workshop on TLC-MS, organized by the companies Waters, Andrew Alliance, MSC Consult, Camag and Merck, attendees could watch live experiments and see...

Corporate Author: Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Klinische Forschung / Münster (Westf) (Editor)
Further contributors: König, Simone (Editor)
Naskar, Rita (Editor)
Document types:Conference object
Media types:Text
Publication date:2018
Date of publication on miami:26.11.2018
Modification date:23.03.2022
Series:Münster Conference on Biomolecule Analysis, Bd. 2018
Edition statement:[Electronic ed.]
Subjects:TLC; mass spectrometry; label; chromatography; analytics TLC; Massenspektrometrie; Label; Chromatographie; Analytik
DDC Subject:570: Biowissenschaften; Biologie
572: Biochemie
License:CC BY-SA 4.0
Notes:Organized by the Core Unit Proteomics of the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research Münster (Prof. Simone König & Dr. Rita Naskar)
Format:PDF document
Digital documents:proceedings_bima_2018.pdf

The Münster Conference on Biomolecule Analysis 2018 focused on thin-layer chromatography (TLC) in conjunction with mass spectrometry (MS). In a special workshop on TLC-MS, organized by the companies Waters, Andrew Alliance, MSC Consult, Camag and Merck, attendees could watch live experiments and see instruments in action. A historical overview about TLC was given by Teresa Kowalska, an expert in the field and author of a book series on the topic. Furthermore, the inventor of the TLC-extractor, Heinrich Luftmann, discussed the development of his device, which has been commercialized. High-ranking speakers from the TLC field reported about their application of the technique in their research. The conference also provided a platform for companies to showcase their products and interact with customers in workshops. The international event successfully met the increasing interest in protein analysis technologies and provided a valuable information source in particular for Ph.D. students.Since 2004, the Core Unit Proteomics (CUP) of the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research Münster has organized the event as an annual series of bioanalytical conferences.

Die Münster Conference on Biomolecule Analysis 2018 fokussierte sich auf die Dünnschichtchromatographie in Verbindung mit Massenspektrometrie. In einem Workshop, der von den Firmen Waters, Andrew Alliance, MSC Consult, Camag und Merck organisiert wurde, konnten die Teilnehmer Experimente live beobachten. Der Hauptvortrag wurde von einer Expertin in der TLC und Autorin einer Buchserie zum Thema, Teresea Kowalska, gehalten. Außerdem sprach der Erfinder des TLC-Extraktors, Heinrich Luftmann, über die Entwicklung seines Gerätes, das kommerzialisiert wurde. Die Konferenz bot auch eine Plattform für Firmen, um ihre Produkte vorzustellen. Das internationale Ereignis bediente das wachsende Interesse an Proteinanalytik und war eine wertvolle Informationsquelle insbesondere für Doktoranden. Die Konferenz wird seit dem Jahre 2004 von der Core Unit Proteomics des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Klinische Forschung Münster organisiert.